Can You Overdose on Marijuana? Risks and Remedies

Can You Overdose on Marijuana? Risks and Remedies

Although marijuana overdose is uncommon and patients at Bay City dispensary rarely report an overdose however it is possible to consume too much of the drug. This can lead to adverse reactions that may require hospitalization. The effects of marijuana overdose are generally less severe than those from overdosing with other drugs such as opioids.

Overdose of Marijuana can lead to serious health problems

There are potential dangers to using too much marijuana

  • Panic attacks or anxiety
  • Heart arrhythmia (irregular beat)
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Paranoia and psychosis

THC Overdose

Overdose is not a defined term for marijuana (also known as cannabis or weed). Doctors don't know how much Tetrahydrocannabinol is required to overdose. THC, the main ingredient in marijuana that can induce the high some people seek, is what they are most concerned about.

THC is the psychoactive component found in marijuana. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. THC can cause anxiety, paranoia and psychosis. A toxic amount of THC or one that causes severe side effects is usually considered to be 7.5mg or higher.

There is a risk of death

Many wonder if marijuana overdose could cause death. A few cases have reported that marijuana was involved in the death of someone. But, it is not clear that there was a causal link. However, medical professionals don't know if there were other contributing factors (like pre existing cardiac conditions).

Other adverse effects

Marijuana has a surprising amount of active ingredients. Scientists have cited different numbers for THC but there are over 100 cannabinoids found in cannabis. These cannabinoids may not all behave in the same way. Too much THC can cause a psychoactive reaction similar to that of a stimulant. Cannabidiol (CBD), is more associated with sedative effects.

There are many effects that marijuana can have on the body. Some marijuana users have experienced sudden cardiac arrest and heart arrhythmias. Both seizures and reductions of seizures have been reported. It seems that it all depends on the type and amount of cannabis oil.

These are just a few examples of THC toxicity which have been published.

  • Heart arrhythmias Some doctors believe that marijuana use is under-reported. It's hard to pinpoint the exact cause of a heart attack when it starts acting up. The effects can be intensified by drinking alcohol, so it's difficult to say if it was marijuana or the booze.
  • Paranoia or psychosis : Some cases of extreme psychotic episodes involving hallucinations with negative associations. In certain cases, the psychosis may last for much longer than it should.
  • Uncontrollable vomiting : While THC can often have anti-nausea properties it is rarely associated with persistent vomiting. Uncontrollable vomiting is more often associated with chronic cannabis abuse.

Edible Overdose

The method of consumption can make a big difference. A person might consume too much THC in a cannabis edible, because it takes longer for the effects to manifest. They may try another brownie, or maybe even one more. They suddenly have a serious reaction.

THC when consumed in edible form is metabolized in a different way than when it is inhaled. This can make someone feel like they don't have enough. Accidental overdoses are more common with edibles. It is rare for someone to accidentally smoke marijuana. An edible is something that someone can eat without knowing it contains THC.

Marijuana use is rising

Since 1996, marijuana has been legalized in California for medicinal purposes. Recreational marijuana is now legal in California, Alaska and Colorado as well as Massachusetts, Michigan (Massachusetts), Nevada, and many other states. After recreational marijuana was legalized, there was a notable increase in the number of marijuana dispensaries in Bay City.

Many in the medical profession are surprised at the significant increase in marijuana use in legalized states. The number of marijuana-related emergency department visits has increased significantly due to all this new consumption.

How long does weed stay in your system?

The amount of marijuana you have taken will determine how long it stays in your body. If you use cannabis regularly, you can detect it in your urine for up to 30 days. You can detect marijuana in your urine up to 72 hours after you have used it once.

How to stop feeling high

You will need to wait if you have used marijuana to get rid of the high. You can still self-soothe by taking a walk, relaxing, and hydrating. Although there is no quick fix for marijuana highs, you can try deep breathing or watching soothing videos or listening to calming music. A friend might be able to help you stay calm until the effects subside.

It is always a good idea to drink lots of water, especially to avoid dry mouth caused by marijuana. Although it hasn't been proven that eating marijuana makes you feel less high, some evidence suggests that people who eat a lot of carbs and other nutrients may feel less high. Some research supports the use of cannabidiol to promote relaxation and lower the psychoactive effects THC. You should consult your doctor before you start using CBD.

Treatment for Weed overdose

You may be held overnight in case you have been hospitalized for marijuana intoxication. If you are showing signs of dehydration, fluids may be administered intravenously (via an IV). You may be given a benzodiazepine to lower anxiety or an antipsychotic in order to treat psychosis.

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is a condition that causes frequent vomiting in chronic users of marijuana. A doctor can treat it with IV fluids, medication for the vomiting and/or proton pump inhibitors to reduce stomach inflammation. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome should be treated within 24 to 48 hours, provided that you have stopped using cannabis.

A doctor might recommend that you go to an inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation program if your marijuana use disorder is related to cannabis use disorder. Rehabilitation programs may include group therapy and education sessions that teach you how to manage your condition.

Final Thought on Marijuana Overdose

Marijuana overdose remains a controversial topic. There is no clear answer to the question of how much marijuana is considered too much. It's important to choose wisely if you decide to use marijuana. Always talk to the staff when shopping at a Bay City cannabis dispensary. They will guide you about the dosage and amount of THC in the products you buy. A critical mind and informed consumers are what make anything safe.